SUCCESSTXT=Front Page Sports: Golf (Demo) has now been installed on your system. Enjoy!
DXTITLE=DirectX(tm) Installation
DXNEEDED1=Setup has detected that the correct version of Microsoft's DirectX has not been installed on your computer.
DXNEEDED2=DirectX is an extension to Windows 95 that allows games and other applications to better use display and sound capabilities.
DXNEEDED3 = For this demo, to install DirectX on your system, it must be done manually through Microsoft's own DirectX Setup program, located in the DirectX folder off the root of this demo CD.
DXWARNING = For more detailed information on how to manually install DirectX, please consult the FPS Golf Demo ReadMe file.
REBOOT1=DirectX(tm) installation requires that you must restart Windows for the changes to take effect.